Bioprospecting and PEG unit is designed to create innovative processes for natural extracts production to use in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industry.
Interdisciplinary expertise of our researchers allows design and optimization in each step of the process: from the plant matrix selection, to the most effective extraction method selection, up to the formulation of final products.
Area managers: Massimo Labra - Luca Campone

Our laboratory uses advanced equipment for the supercritical fluid extraction processes or the pressurized liquids extraction processes. This alternative to the extraction by toxic solvents is sustainable both for human beings and the environment.
- Dionex -ASE350 Accelerated Solvent Extractor
- BUCHI -Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Advanced
- Applied separations -HELIX Supercritical fluid extractors
It is also possible to have access to state-of-the-art mass spectrometers both in high resolution (Xevo G2-XS QTof, Q Exactive Orbitrap) and in low resolution (TSQ Plus Triplo Quadrupolo; SCIEX 3500 System Q-Trap).