Our project is NanoCosPha and it is a constant commitment to…

create dialogue and collaboration between universities and companies to grow together

be the unique contact for companies, from basic research to the formulation of new products

promote scientific research and be the equivalent of authoritative research, relying on the expertise and the authority of universities

encourage greater knowledge of the product and support consumer confidence in the product, giving scientific value to what is sold

be the excellence and the point of reference for research and innovation in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries.
How do we support companies with NanoCosPha?
We constantly search on a daily basis, planning study and experimentation, to provide the most suitable answer to companies.
We work by integrating research groups, coordinating different laboratories and combining the skills of researchers from different fields.
The multidisciplinarity and versatility with respect to the projects we face are the pillars of our activity.
We devise new molecules, evaluate the feasibility of formulations, finally we test and test each product for the sectors:



nutrition and supplements
NanoCosPha is
the scientific support to companies. State-of-the-art laboratories and qualified researchers that work in synergy with businesses to create a dialogue between universities and companies themselves.
the scientific research applied to the market. Conceived by Bicocca University and Lombardia Region, NanoCosPha develops new projects to create new marketable molecules and products with proven scientific effectiveness.
NanoCosPha is




curiosity - innovation

scientific rigour
Scientific research makes companies grow. The companies value scientific research